Random Color Generator

Choose the number of colors to generate

Click on the SAVE icon to save any of the colors listed below.

Random Solid Colors

Random Gradients

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Welcome to our Random Color Generator! Whether you’re a designer, developer, student, or just need some random inspiration, our tool can help you come up with the perfect random color for your purposes.

How to Use the Random Color Generator

  1. Choose the number of colors you’d like to generate. Use the sliding scale, or enter the number of colors you’d like generated into the given text box. You can choose to generate between 1 and 25 random colors.
  2. If you’d like to narrow down your generated colors, click the black ‘options’ button. This will bring up an advanced menu where you can filter the types of colors our tool will generate.
  3. Choose if you’d like to generate random gradients, and if so, how many. The gradient button is automatically set to 0, but if you choose to generate gradients, they will pop up below the random solid colors generated. You can choose to generate up to 9 gradients.
  4. Choose if you’d like to filter colors by brightness. If you know you are looking for a certain type of color, you can choose to filter to generate only light colors or only dark colors.
  5. Or choose to filter by color family. Similarly, if you know you want a color within the range of a specific hue, you can choose to filter by color families. For instance, you can choose if you’d like a red, green, or blue color to be generated for you. 
  6. Click the teal ‘generate’ button to generate your random colors. The color will appear below the entry tool. Each color will come with a preview of the color, as well as Hex codes, RGB, and HSL information. You can also choose to save the color by hitting the save button.

What are Hex, RGB, and HSL codes?

If you’re a graphic designer or developer just looking for a little inspiration for your next project, you’re almost certainly well-acquainted with color codes. But the rest of us might be a little less familiar. Put simply, color codes are strings of letters and numbers which can identify a color within a computer system so you can easily and quickly match it precisely in any graphic design database. 

Hex Codes

Hex codes are the most common of these codes and are used in platforms like Photoshop. These codes always start with a hashtag symbol, then have a six-digit code composed of either numbers or letters. Each section of the color code refers to the amount of red, green, and blue in said color, with the first two letters referring to the red value, the middle two letters referring to the green value, and the last two referring to the blue value.

RGB Codes

Like hex codes, RGB color codes give a specific number to describe a color based on its red, blue, and green color values. As you’ll notice in your randomly generated color, an RGB color code actually lists three separate numbers for these values. Each number has a value of 0 to 255, meaning there are 16,777,216 possible RGB color values. 

HSL Codes

HSL stands for hue, saturation, and color. It is composed of three numbers that describe each of those values. The first number in an HSL code is the hue, which represents the degree where a color is placed on a color wheel. This number ranges from 0 to 360, with 0 being red, 120 being green, and 240 being blue. You can usually guess, based on how close this number is to those benchmarks, approximately what color your HSL code describes. The second value, for saturation, is shown in a percentage point for the depth of color, with a 0 being entirely greyscale and 100 being full color. Finally, the third value, lightness, is also shown as a percentage, where 0 is black and 100 is white.

Why are color codes described in terms of red, green and blue?

If you attended elementary school art class, you’ve probably heard that all hues can be created by combining three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. Then why are digital colors described in terms of their red, blue, and green inputs? The answer comes down to how pixels in computer screens work. Computers only have the capacity to display red, blue, and green colors, meaning all colors must be combined from those colors. Though this may seem contradictory, this works because colored lights combine differently than colored paints. For instance, while you can’t combine red and green paint to make yellow, you can combine red and green light to make yellow.

Ways to Use Our Random Color Generator

There are tons of uses for our random color generator. For instance, one great way to use our random color generator is as an artistic challenge. Whether you’re a graphic designer, an illustrator, or a traditional painter, sometimes you might find yourself looking for inspiration. Generating a random color can form the basis for a new design or piece of art. Or you can generate multiple colors, and challenge yourself to find an appropriate color palette including both of those colors. Flexing your brain and your design skills like this is a great way to get better at your craft.

A random color generator can also be great for those looking to revitalize a space in their homes. Absent a force pushing you to be creative, it can be easy to just default to the same white or beige wall paint. Randomly generating a few colors to consider can be a good way to challenge yourself to really refresh a room.

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