Definitions For Preponderance


  • Exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight
  • A superiority in numbers or amount
  • Superiority in power or influence
  • A greater amount or number of something

Is Preponderance a Scrabble Word?

Words With Friends YES
Scrabble US YES
Scrabble UK YES
English International (SOWPODS) YES
Scrabble Global YES
Enable1 Dictionary YES

Points in Different Games

Words with Friends

The word Preponderance is worth 20 points in Scrabble and 25 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Preponderance in a Sentence

  • Not since Rome in its glory days had a nation enjoyed such overwhelming military preponderance
  • A preponderance of the evidence points to the guilt of the defendant

Synonyms for Preponderance

Antonyms for Preponderance

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“Preponderance is a Scrabble word?- .” The Word Finder. 2 Mar. 2025, .