Definitions For Jade


  • An old or over-worked horse
  • A light green color varying from bluish green to yellowish green
  • A woman adulterer
  • A semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish; is usually green but sometimes whitish; consists of jadeite or nephrite


  • Exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress
  • Lose interest or become bored with something or somebody


  • Of something having the color of jade; especially varying from bluish green to yellowish green

Is Jades a Scrabble Word?

Words With Friends YES
Scrabble US YES
Scrabble UK YES
English International (SOWPODS) YES
Scrabble Global YES
Enable1 Dictionary YES

Points in Different Games

Words with Friends

The word Jade is worth 13 points in Scrabble and 15 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Jade in a Sentence

  • A steady diet of nothing but lobster would jade the palate of even the most ardent lobster lover

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