Word Cookies: Sesame Level 5 Answers

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Answers - sesame Level 5

1. ALE 2. ANY 3. EEL 4. ENVY 5. EVE 6. EVEN 7. EVENLY 8. EYE 9. HALE 10. HALVE 11. HAVE 12. HAVEN 13. HAY 14. HEAL 15. HEAVE 16. HEAVEN 17. HEAVENLY 18. HEAVY 19. HEEL 20. HEN 21. HEY 22. HYENA 23. LANE 24. LAY 25. LEAN 26. LEAVE 27. LEAVEN 28. LEVY 29. NAVE 30. NAVEL 31. NAVY 32. NAY 33. VALE 34. VAN 35. VANE 36. VEAL 37. VENAL
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The Sesame Levels are part of the Phenomenal Chef Pack in Word Cookies. Sesame has 20 levels. The Phenomenal Chef pack contains 5 Sections.

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“Word Cookies: Sesame - Level 5 Answers- .” The Word Finder. thewordfinder.com. 23 Jan. 2025, https://twfstaging.com/answers/word-cookies-cheats/phenomenal-chef-pack/sesame/level-5/ .