Word Cookies: Tomato Level 8 Answers

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Answers - tomato Level 8

1. ALTO 2. BAD 3. BALD 4. BAT 5. BLOOD 6. BLOT 7. BOAT 8. BOATLOAD 9. BOLD 10. BOLT 11. BOOT 12. DAB 13. DATA 14. DOT 15. LAD 16. LOAD 17. LOOT 18. LOT 19. OAT 20. OLD 21. TAB 22. TABOO 23. TOAD 24. TOLD 25. TOO 26. TOOL 27. LAB 28. TAD 29. BOT
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The Tomato Levels are part of the First Class Chef Pack in Word Cookies. Tomato has 20 levels. The First Class Chef pack contains 5 Sections.

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“Word Cookies: Tomato - Level 8 Answers- .” The Word Finder. thewordfinder.com. 23 Jan. 2025, https://twfstaging.com/answers/word-cookies-cheats/first-class-chef-pack/tomato/level-8/ .