Word Cookies: Kebab Level 9 Answers

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Answers - kebab Level 9

1. ARDENT 2. DARE 3. DARN 4. DART 5. DATE 6. DEAN 7. DEAR 8. DENT 9. EARN 10. NEAR 11. NEAT 12. NERD 13. RANT 14. RANTED 15. RATE 16. RATED 17. READ 18. REND 19. RENT 20. TARN 21. TEAR 22. TEND 23. TERN 24. TRADE 25. TREAD 26. TREND
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The Kebab Levels are part of the Elegant Pack in Word Cookies. Kebab has 20 levels. The Elegant pack contains 5 Sections.

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“Word Cookies: Kebab - Level 9 Answers- .” The Word Finder. thewordfinder.com. 13 Mar. 2025, https://twfstaging.com/answers/word-cookies-cheats/elegant-pack/kebab/level-9/ .